Dr. Abdelrahman Hammad

    • Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Iwan Psychiatric Hospital.
    • Former director of the addiction unit, Abbasiya Hospital.
    • Recipient of CBT training certificate for Anxiety and Depression Disorders from the Beck Institute
    • Recipient of DBT training certificate from the Linehan Institute.
    • Holds a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) training certificate from Masar Center.
    • Received Motivational interviewing training from the Center for Motivation and Change – UK
    • Has taught courses leading to a diploma in drug control at the National Center for Social and Criminal Research, and participated in research and training activities at the National Council for Combating and Treating Addiction.
    • Participated in writing the national document to raise awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and addiction for pre-university education levels, as one of the experts on the Addiction Control and Treatment Fund and the Curriculum Development Center at the Ministry of Education.
    • Participated in the supervision and preparation of various awareness programs on the drug abuse and addiction problem.
    • Participates in giving awareness lectures for students of Egyptian universities and institutes in various governorates.
    • Participates in the various media to raise awareness of the drug abuse and addiction problem.
    • A former lecturer in the prevention programs of the Addiction Control and Treatment Fund, and former general supervisor of the hotline at the Abbasiya Psychiatric Hospital.
    • Certified trainer in the UN program for drug control and treatment.
    • Hospital management specialist.

    Participated in the preparation and publication of three research papers that were published in international conferences:

    • National drug facts week campaign in Egypt in collaboration with NIDA
    • A probable stimulant use disorder and withdrawal syndrome linked to Modafinil: A case report – European Psychiatric Association – EPA, in its annual international conference held in Poland.
    • From a potential treatment to probable harm: A case series of Pregabalin withdrawal syndrome – American Psychiatric Association – APA
افضل دكتور علاج ادمان في مصر - دكتور عبد الرحمن حماد - مستشفى ايوان --
افضل دكتور علاج ادمان في مصر - دكتور عبد الرحمن حماد - مستشفى ايوان --