طب نفس كبار السن مستشفى إيوان

Adult Psychiatry Services

Diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders for the elderly such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, memory disorders, and mental disorders associated with Organopathy.

طب نفسي المسنين مستشفى إيوان

Geriatric Psychiatry Services

Outpatient and inpatient services, inpatient and day care activities for the elderly over 65 years of age, with standardized measurements of cognitive functions by licensed clinical psychologists, general medical care for chronic diseases, post-stroke psychological complications, behavioral and psychological disorders associated with cognitive decline and types of dementia.

علاج ادمان المراهقين مستشفى إيوان

Addiction Treatment Services

  • Various treatment programs have been designed to suit each patient’s nature and problem, including intensive outpatient programs, inpatient programs, daycare programs, and recovery home programs. These programs cover all stages of treatment, starting from the stage of detoxification (withdrawal symptoms) to physical and psychological rehabilitation programs. In addition, there are special programs for patients with frequent relapses, programs for personality disorders associated with addiction, programs for mental disorders resulting from addiction (dual diagnosis cases), life skills programs supporting recovery, and family support and counseling programs.
علاج ادمان المراهقين مستشفى إيوان

Adolescent Addiction Treatment Services

  • Treatment programs at Iwan Hospital are specially designed for addiction cases in adolescents (under 18 years old) to avoid their integration with the older age groups. These include intensive outpatient programs, inpatient treatment programs, and daycare programs.

Women's Psychiatry Services

Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and psychopathic diseases in women that require special interventions.

طب نفس المرأة مستشفى إيوان
طب نفس المراهقين مستشفى إيوان

Adolescent Psychiatry Services

Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in adolescents, through internal and external treatment programs and daycare programs, in addition to programs for dealing with adolescence problems, as well as skill development programs (such as communication skills, adaptation, anger control, impulsivity control … etc.), family counseling programs for parents, and parenting skills development programs.

Pediatric Psychiatry Services

Diagnosis and treatment of all children’s psychological disorders such as ADHD, autism, learning difficulties, speech disorders, depression, anxiety, etc., in addition to skill development and behavior modification programs, and family counseling programs for parents.

طب نفس الأطفال مستشفى إيوان